Chapter: 188

��Are you really going to keep getting out of line like this?�

�Not at all. Please be safe, young master.�

Cale got on the carriage and started to think about how to deal with Hans, who kept stepping out of line. The carriage arrived at the temple while he was thinking.

�Let�s get off.�

�Got it.�

Cale got up to step out of the carriage. Choi Han had been quiet ever since they got on the carriage, no, since they stepped out of Cale�s room. He seemed to have a lot of complicated emotions storming through his head right now.

Cale only knew about Choi Han�s personality until the fifth volume of, �The Birth of a Hero.� However, there was one thing that Cale was sure about. Although Choi Han was a good person, he was not gullible. He was very smart.

�If I tried to give an unbelievable excuse, he may believe me at first, but will definitely doubt me later.�

Choi Han may have been very lonely after living in solitude for tens of years, but that experience taught him how to survive on his own, and how to stubbornly persevere.

Choi Han may look at him favorably right now and follow him, but, as seen around volume 5 of, �The Birth of a Hero,� he is someone who eventually wishes to be the leader. Choi Han is someone who will live to make his personal view of justice a reality.

��It is too white.�

The Temple of the God of Death that Cale saw once he alighted was completely white, without a speck of dirt to be seen. The believers of the God of Death considered white to be the color of death, and cleaned everything over and over again every single day to make sure there was not a speck of dust anywhere on the building.

�What an interesting place.�

The Temple of the God of Death looked like it wanted to show that people had nothing to fear about the night with their actions. They opened the temple to both believers and non-believers once the sun started to set.

�Apparently, the priests are all sleeping if you come during the day.�

It really was an interesting place in Cale�s opinion. They were greeted by two priests at the temple entrance.

�May you be blessed with a peaceful rest!�

�May you be blessed with a peaceful rest!�

The priests of the God of Death were generally extremely bubbly. Although people may consider death to be the end, the philosophy of the Church of the God of Death believed that it was important to enjoy life as they headed toward the peaceful rest.


Cale slowly approached the priest. The priest inspected Cale with a curious expression. Cale looked like he was either an extremely affluent noble or a wealthy merchant based on his outfit. But the man behind him looked like a beggar, although the sword on his waist made him look somewhat strong.

�What can I do for you?�

�Is there an open Room of Death?�

The two priests� expressions stiffened. The priest who asked the question looked back and forth between Cale and Choi Han before asking.