Chapter: 1930

The ground underneath her feet started to rumble.

The robes of the Mage Brigade�s mages fluttered while a group of mages who were standing in a circle around a highest-grade magic stone all reached their hands out as well.

They could feel the fluctuation of mana in the air.

Rosalyn was preparing a spell to destroy the wings of the Bears flying toward her.


I will kill half of those flying bastards in the Gorge.�


�Then I need to cast a spell while making sure it doesn�t affect the Tigers.�

Rosalyn turned her head. She made eye contact with the shaman, Gashan.

Caw. Caw.

The crows started to create paths. Routes for the attack magic spells to go through were starting to be created one by one.

Three for the Mage Brigades and one for Rosalyn. A total of four paths were created.

They could see the Bears crossing the gorge.

�We need to first attack the Bears and then attack or stop the container.�

Although it might strain her body, Rosalyn planned on using multiple large-scale attack magic spells in a row. Since there were a lot of highest-grade magic stones, she needed to block that container even if it was painful for her to do.

She needed to make it stop moving or have it blow up on the enemy side.

She bit down on her lips.

�With that size, it�ll be a problem even if it goes off on the other side.�

The shock from the magic bomb would reach the Breck Kingdom�s side as well. However, it was still better than going off on the Breck Kingdom�s side.

She opened her mouth to speak.


The attack would start as soon as she said that word.


�Miss Rosalyn.�