Chapter: 1942

The Bears who were fighting against the Whales kicked off the ground. One of the Bears mocked the Whales as he flew up.

�It looks like you�re not so great when you can�t go berserk!�


The Flame Dwarf�s voice could be heard.

There should be an explosion in one second now.

The Bear who had mocked their ways suddenly flinched.

He could see the Whales smiling as he kicked off the ground and flew up.

��What the�?�

He could see the shape of Witira�s mouth.

�It�s not enough.�

��Not enough?

What is not enough?�

He then saw the Whales jumping into the air.

They were moving very quickly.

They were stepping on crows and using Gashan�s wind in order to head up into the sky.

The Tigers and Choi Han also quickly headed up to the sky.

The hundreds of crows all headed up into the sky as well.

Higher, and higher.

They kept going higher without looking back.

The Flame Dwarf calling the numbers out from above the container kicked off into the air.


Screeech, boom!

The direction of the two containers changed.

The containers that were pointed at the shield were now pointed underneath it.