Chapter: 207

Cale had come to a realization after being stuck with large baggage like Choi Han and the Black Dragon. He was having a dilemma about how to live a trash life.

The Northeastern nobles would have seen Cale�s trash behavior in the past. They would have also received news about all of Cale�s trashy actions in the Henituse territory. That was why he had to be even more careful, no, he had to be even more chaotic.


Cale looked down at his two hands. Act like a total bastard? That would be a way to seem like the trash of all trash. While Cale was thinking about what he could do to act terribly, the carriage stopped in front of a residence. Since the Northeastern nobles all had residences in the same area of the capital, it was not very far.

�Welcome, young master Cale-nim.�

Cale noticed the old butler greeting him at the gate, and looked to the building behind the butler.

This was Count Wheelsman�s residence. Count Wheelsman�s territory was located in the beginning parts of the Northeast, and he was neither very strong nor very wealthy. That was why he was able to build a close relationship with Count Henituse in the Northeast, where they did not have any dukes or marquis. Count Henituse liked this friendship because, for someone like him, whose territory was far in the corner of the Northeast, knowing someone who was close to the capital was beneficial.

Cale thought about Count Wheelsman�s successor.

�Eric Wheelsman.�

Deputy butler Hans had cautiously advised Cale before he left for this meeting.

�Young master, it is great that you have a good relationship with young master Eric, but I bring this up to you to ask whether you think it would be smarter to not act so close to each other in front of the other nobles in the meeting.�

That let Cale know that Eric and the original owner of this body were very close. However, the information about Eric in the nobles information report described Eric as a good person who was a bit uptight.

�Young master Cale, may I escort you inside?�


Cale followed the old butler into the Wheelsman residence.

Eric Wheelsman, Gilbert Chetter, and Amiru Ubarr. The three of them were inside the residence. Cale was still thinking about how he should act in front of them as he entered inside.

In the end, he didn�t need to worry about such a thing.

�Cale. You at least still listened to this hyung. Right?�

Cale had a confused look on his face. Eric Wheelsman pushed up his glasses after seeing Cale�s expression. Right now, Cale was seated at the table with the three nobles surrounding him like he was in an interview.

�This is odd.�

But the atmosphere was more of them consoling him rather than interviewing him. Eric Wheelsman started to speak.

�Won�t it be annoying for you as well?�

Viscount Ubarr�s daughter Amiru and Baron Chetter�s son Gilbert chimed in.

�He�s right. Young master Cale, I heard you don�t like annoying formalities.�