Chapter: 2189

The Roan Kingdom that Alberu was thinking about was when it would have fully opened up its wings once again.

That was the moment Alberu Crossman would become the Roan Kingdom�s new king.

�I wish to be the brightest person in a larger Roan Kingdom.�

The reason he pushed back the coronation.

He desired to become the king of the Roan Kingdom once it had eaten up some of the Empire�s territory. This desire was thoroughly delivered to the four noble leaders.

They could see the brightly smiling Alberu Crossman.

His face was covered with shadows because the sun was to his back, however, his gaze and smile were clearer than ever before. Alberu�s calm voice echoed in the chilly room.

�Will you all take me there?�

Silence filled the area.

Alberu�s voice continued through that silence as if it was a fog.

�Of course, I do not wish to shed our citizens� blood in order to get there.�


Cale was amazed internally.

He was pressuring the nobles thoroughly.

This really was the person who managed to handle Choi Han in the novel.

He was someone who cared about the Roan Kingdom�s citizens and cared about the greater good.

However, he was also someone who did not hide his greed.

�These are his instincts. These are his instincts as a king.�

If Rosalyn was someone who threw away her royal position and chose a different path without any hesitation because of her greed�

Alberu Crossman was someone who hid the fact that he was a quarter Dark Elf and persisted even when he had no support in order to reach the position of a king for a stronger Roan Kingdom.

It might be possible that the Choi Han in, �The Birth of a Hero,� chose to help Alberu out not just because of his glib tongue but because of his appearance as a true, �ruler.�

�I bet that Alberu Crossman definitely becomes one of the main heroes after volume 5.�

The Alberu that Cale read about up to volume 5 only had the role of giving tasks to Choi Han and nothing else.

However, if new strong individuals or heroes other than Choi Han, Lock, and Rosalyn appeared starting from volume 6, then Cale was certain that one of them would have been Alberu Crossman.