Chapter: 27

�He thought that they were all scumbags.�

The worst of all scumbags. It was better to at least be the citizens who worked hard even though there was no hopes for a better future.

That was why he never beat people up when he was drunk but had no issues throwing things at the gangsters he saw. Well, attempted to throw things, since his aim when drunk was terrible.

Maybe that was the reason.

�Aigoo, young master, you�re here?�

The owner of the bar was extremely afraid of Cale. It was because of that one day when Cale broke pretty much everything around where he was sitting to drink. In fact, Cale was probably number one on the blacklist for Western City bars.

He did not respond to the owner�s greeting and just threw a gold coin at him.

�Bring a bottle of my usual. Oh, and roasted chicken breast. Don�t put salt on it.�

�Excuse me? Y, you don�t want to find a seat first?�

Cale started to frown. The owner immediately waved his hands and bowed his head.

�Immediately! I will bring it immediately!�

The owner was moving quickly, but it looked like he was smiling. It was because it looked like Cale was not planning on sitting down. Cale looked around the bar that became quiet once he walked in. Everyone was avoiding his gaze and turned their heads. It was like they were wondering why he had to choose this bar of all bars in the city. The gangsters and scammers in the bar were all extremely nervous right now.


The sound of Cale clicking his tongue could be heard through the silence in the bar.

�Young master, here is the bottle you requested.�


Cale grabbed the bottle and bag of chicken. It was the alcohol he drank often. It was probably the most expensive alcohol in this bar. He accepted the bottle with no regret and left the bar.

Cale immediately opened the bottle and drank about half of it as soon as he stepped out of the bar.


The alcohol tasted pretty good. Since Cale had a high tolerance to alcohol, it did not affect him at all to drink half of the bottle at once. He just flushed easily, making people think he was a lightweight.

Cale quickly walked along with the bottle in his hand.

He walked back past the tea shop he stayed in all day until he saw the guards stiffen up after seeing him. Seeing them acting like that made him want to go out of the gate, but unfortunately, that was not his destination.

�Ah, I�m starting to get hot.�

Cale felt himself heating up as he continued to drink. He walked a bit further until he reached the city wall not too far away. The tall city wall that started at the gate seemed to defend against any potential intruders.