Chapter: 2714

She could hear Raon�s voice.

� Good little Mary! Answer however you want! I will even give you permission to use the words, �great and mighty,� in order to describe yourself!

Mary started to smile underneath the black robe.

She had made up her mind about something during the last battle when she fought against the Tower Master who was controlling Honte.

It was similar to the author of the book she had studied from.

< You just have to be almost unrivaled in strength. >

< Like me. The Sage of Death. >

Mary shared her thoughts with Obante.


She was hungry.

She became hungry after seeing the trees that were filled with dead mana.

Hungry was the only way Mary knew to describe this feeling.

It was because she had never felt this type of greed or desire before. It was different than when all she wanted to do was to see the outside world.

It was a greed that dug as deep as a swamp.

She wanted to get stronger.

That was her greed and desire.

She was hungry because she had not reached the level that she wanted to be at.

�I want to become strong enough to be unrivaled.�

Mayor Obante continued to gently ask.

�Like who?�

Mary did not hesitate to answer.

�Like the Sage of Death.�

That was the author who had taught her about the path to becoming a necromancer.

< I hope you become even stronger than me. My disciple who will be reading this book. >