Chapter: 3265

The White Star of ancient times is different than the current White Star.

�So then how is it that the two of them are acting so similar?�

� Cale, I think that the current White Star is mimicking the ancient White Star.

Those words hit Cale hard.

He then heard the white Dragon�s voice.

�The last Dragon Slayer. The one you call the White Star destroyed this castle and stole the eggs.�

The white Dragon continued to speak.

Cale felt chills throughout his body but could not look away from the white Dragon.

The white Dragon held back the full details for Raon, but shared a portion of what happened 1,000 years ago.

The bastard who destroyed the inside of the castle and stole the eggs.

�The oath of death struck down on that bastard.�

The white Dragon could not forget that moment.

The bastard who would lose everything he cherished�

The bastard who would never be able to cherish anything ever again�

The bastard who would never be able to experience the peace and rest that death has to offer�

The bastard who would continue to face the cruelest of deaths and pain while repeating his sad and tiring life�

�He was smiling.�

That bastard had been smiling.

�He said that he was waiting for this. He smiled while saying that he was waiting for this oath.�

He had smiled extremely brightly after destroying the castle and holding the two eggs in his arms.

�He said this would let him become a stronger existence than the Dragons and rule the world.�

He then laughed out loud.

The corners of the white Dragon�s lips were slightly shaking.

�I could only watch all of that in my sealed form.�