Chapter: 3454

< I thought to myself. >

< If I knew it would be like this. >

< If I knew I would be the only one to survive. >

< I would have rather sacrificed myself to save the others. >

Choi Han stopped for a moment before turning the page again. He continued to turn page after page.

Choi Han was quiet as he read through the book as still as a calm lake.

However, Choi Jung Gun�s memoir was not calm at all.

His emotions were roaring like a storm.

Although the information about the ancient White Star and other information were written rationally, his emotions were visible at different spots throughout the book.

< ...Everybody else died. I wish I died with them at that time......>

< ...I was not in a normal state of mind at first. I was alive, but I did not feel alive. I could see the dying faces of my friends, my family in this world, each and every night. >

The same words or similar content continued to appear here and there.

Choi Jung Gun�s despair and regret pierced deep into Choi Han�s heart. This was not a story to just read and forget.

Choi Han scrunched his eyes to make himself focus.

< But I came back to my senses. I had to fulfill the request Mr. Super Rock asked me to do. This was what he had told me. He said that we should make sure that something like this never happened again. If another White Star, if another person with the sky attribute appeared, we needed to stop them while not losing so many people. Those words made me continue to live. >

The truth slowly started to appear little by little.

< However, everyone who was evaluated to be strong died with the White Star. Chaos instead of peace filled the world. >

< There were still many members of the White Star's Forest of Darkness who remained alive, as well as many evil people who tried to fulfill their evil greed without the White Star and the strong individuals present. >

< Another chaos, another war was about to break out. >

The ancient times ended with the death of the ancient White Star.

A transitional period appeared after that.

Choi Jung Gun had made up his mind about something at that time.

< That is why a weakling like me had to trick the world. The one to help me with this was Sheritt, my forever close friend. >

One human and one Dragon moved to the Eastern continent�s Castle of Light.