Chapter: 3610

He did not feel any gazes around him.

� Nobody is looking at you!

Cale nodded his head after Raon confirmed it.

His body was hiding in the shadow.
Then it slowly turned invisible.

�Shall we get started?�

Cale took the golden top�s whip out of his pocket.

�It�s the eighth floor! The eighth floor!�

One of the three Wind Elementals who had teleported with him from the Empire shouted with excitement.

�Kekekekeke! This should be fun! Go to the eighth floor! I�ll show you the way!�

Cale cast a light breeze as he walked out of the shadow.


A person walking by tilted his head in confusion after feeling the breeze but continued to walk after not seeing anything.
Cale walked past that person and floated toward the eighth floor.
He was heading quickly but silently to the eighth floor thanks to the Sound of the Wind.

�It�s completely different.�

Unlike the seventh floor, there were guards starting from the entrance of the eighth floor.

�It�s fine! We will erase your traces and any noises!�

Cale was easily able to move past them thanks to the help of the three Wind Elementals.
This would be hard if there were multiple people, but the Wind Elementals could easily cover his traces because Cale was alone.

�The end! It�s the room at the end!�
�It�s not a room. It�s more like a storage room.�
�Hehehehe, destruction! Chaos! Ruin! Kahahahaha!�

He only paid attention to the important parts of the Wind Elementals� comments.

� Human! There are three people in the second room, one person in the fifth room and two people in the last room!

Raon let Cale know the number of people in each room. Cale cautiously headed toward the last room.
He then stood in front of the door.

He could hear people inside.