Cale had been at a loss for words after hearing Choi Han�s response. Choi Han�s next words seemed to be something he came up with after debating it for a long time as there were no openings for Cale to argue about.
�I will make a Vow of Death with you. If I use that power to negatively impact my vitality, my lifespan or even my body�s condition-�
Cale had cut Choi Han off.
�Using Abandoning Your Life means you are giving up a portion of your life. Isn�t that the same as dying? So how is the Vow of Death useful?�
�No, death is not the consequence I am thinking about in the vow. If I use my life for that power, I swear that I will lose someone important to me.�
Cale knew at that moment that Choi Han would never use his life for that power.