Chapter: 3666

�Throw it away!�

Rex shouted.


Sir Rex dropped his sword to the ground.

�W, what the�?�

The approaching enemies flinched.
The enemy leader put his sword down?

But Rex was not the only one.

Clang! Tang.

The soldiers behind him put their weapons down as well.
Instead, the knights surrounded Rex and the soldiers and put their swords back in their scabbards before holding up shields.
They had formed a rhombus-shaped formation.

�What the-�

Someone within the enemy ranks who figured it out started to shout.

�Its bombs! Dodge!�

However, Sir Rex took out alchemy bombs from his spatial pocket bag and started to shout.

�Throw them!�

Sir Rex and the soldiers started to throw their bombs.

Baaaaang! Bang! Baaaaang!

The small explosions that had filled the forest were now going off here as well.

�A knight threw his sword away and is using such shady��!�

Sir Rex could hear one of the enemy knights who had retreated shouting toward him with disgust.
He scoffed at that comment. He then started to speak to his soldiers.

�We are not shady.�

The soldiers nodded their heads.
The knights nodded their heads as well.