Chapter: 370

�That is why you should always remember to put yourself first.�

He then smiled gently and added on.

�The ancient power you have earned is very cool.�

Cale smiled similarly to Count Deruth, as he jokingly answered.

�Isn�t it? It is a very cool power. Oh, and I always put my own safety first.�

�Good. Then I�m glad.�

Cale observed Deruth nod his head and look back down at the report on the desk before heading out of the office. The Black Dragon had a question for him as soon as they left.

-The two of you are family, right?

Cale nodded his head at the question.

The next day, Cale got onto the carriage as he started to speak to the Whale siblings.

�Not bad for my new guards.�

Witira with her whip in her hand and Paseton with a sword in his hand, both smiled toward Cale. They were still under the Black Dragon�s appearance magic. Cale started to head toward Harris Village, well, the Forest of Darkness, to be more accurate.

Cale got off the carriage once they got to Harris Village, the village closest to the Forest of Darkness. His thoughts once he got there were simple.

�It�s black.�

It had been a little longer than two months, but Harris Village was still dark. Cale looked down toward his feet to see that there were still black ashes on the ground.

He then looked back forward and heard the Vice Captain�s bitter voice.

�Everything burned down.�

Cale turned around to look at Vice Captain Hilsman.

�Where did they say the graves were?�

�I will go find out.�

It had been a while since Cale had seen Vice Captain Hilsman being so calm, but it wasn�t Hilsman�s fault.

A large stone wall. Harris Village, The village located outside of that wall heading into the Forest of Darkness, was no more. All that was left was the crumbling ruins of houses and dark ashes that served as signs that something once existed in this location.

�I feel a strong sensation of fire here.�

�You can feel something like that?�