Chapter: 4042

The first black Yong had already been destroyed by the thunderbolt. The second black Yong opened its jaws and charged forward the same way.
The White Star sneered and received the attack.

�Come at me! Keep attacking! I will des-�

However, he could not finish his sentence.

Inside the open black Yong�s mouth�
A very small power that had been hidden by the large powers was inside the Yong�s mouth.
It was so faint and only as thick as a needle.


The White Star started to frown.

Inside the open black Yong�s mouth�
Was a thin blue spear. The black Yong charged into the thunderbolt with the blue spear.

Crackle, crackle!

That tiny power dug into the thunderbolt. It created a tiny gap and continued to push forward.

This spear that was so small that even the White Star did not notice had a strong water power that had been condensed over and over.
The power that had been hiding inside the black Yong slowly started to reveal its true appearance as it aimed for a single location.

The spear created a single dot.
That dot then created a line until the blue spear finally created a path to the White Star�s body.

�S, shit-!�

The White Star tried to block the spear.
Gold and black mana wrapped around the White Star�s thunderbolt-covered legs at that moment. The black Yong used its body to wrap around the White Star�s upper body.

Siiiiiizzle. Siiiiiiiizzzzle!

The gold and black manas and the black Yong held onto the White Star�s limbs as best as they could even as they became destroyed.

�U, ugh, no!�

The blue spear that had created the path was heading for the White Star�s heart.
The White Star then noticed Cale who was leaning on Choi Han. Cale�s cold eyes that were glaring at the White Star even as he coughed up blood seemed to desire the White Star�s death.


A loud explosion occurred.
People could see the black clouds covering the sky slowly disperse.
They then realized that dawn had arrived.