Chapter: 4100

Bobe scratched his head. It was at that moment. Merchant Bob who had been quiet respectfully started to speak.

�Please sir, we will pay you handsomely for it.�
�Aigoo, it�s not that. I am not acting like this because of the money-�
�Ten million gallons. That is how much we will pay you for your help.�

The others looked toward merchant Bob, Cale, with shocked expressions after hearing the extremely high amount. Cale didn�t care as he looked toward the hunter with a respectful gaze.
Hunter Bobe didn�t shake after hearing the large amount and just stared at Cale with his gaze that had stiffened with time.


He then sighed as he walked into his house.

�Hey, it�s obvious he�s not acting like this because of the money!�

Bud poked Cale�s side and scolded him.
It was at that moment.

�You must listen to whatever I say if you want to live.�

The hunter returned wearing leather armor along with his bow and arrows. The hunter who had quickly finished his preparations to climb Nake Mountain made Bud look at him in disbelief, but Cale bowed his head and responded respectfully.

�Thank you for your guidance.�
�Now then, where do we need to go? The top of the mountain?�

Cale answered the hunter�s question about their destination.

�The place that the snake is said to come out.�

Nake Mountain.

This mountain was known for a red snake that gobbled up any intruders.
That snake appeared the most when the fog covered the entire mountain and instantly led people to their death.

��Y, you crazy! I�m not an old man who is crazy for money!�

The hunter subconsciously raised his voice.

�You�re going to look for the snake? Do you wish to be bewitched?�
�Yes, sir. That is correct.�
��Really? You don�t want to go under the cliff?�
�The top of the cliff please.�

If you hear the voice of a lost loved one through the fog�
It is said that you would find a beautiful snake covered in red scales if you follow that voice.

If you follow that snake as if you�ve been bewitched, you�ll end up stepping off the cliff without realizing it.