Chapter: 4137

However, that was for the future when they were prepared for war, not right now.

�All of the other kingdoms are riled up because of what happened in the Caro Kingdom. They can�t help it because there�s nowhere on the Western continent that has not been stabbed in the back or harmed by the White Star.�

As he mentioned, the northern kingdoms, the Jungle, the Whipper Kingdom, the Breck Kingdom, the Roan Kingdom, the Mogoru Empire, and the Caro Kingdom. All of them had been stabbed in the back or harmed by the White Star.

Of course, there were smaller nations, free cities, and principalities that had not been harmed by the White Star, but they had received indirect harm from the wars such that they were showing strong support for the large kingdoms� actions.

�They�re all so riled up that they look ready to fight right away. But there will be a lot of casualties if we fought right now.�

That was the reason Alberu had a headache.

The White Star and his subordinates were not people they could easily defeat.
Alberu wanted to keep the damages as low as possible. That was why he wanted to think calmly and slowly prepare to destroy the White Star�s forces at once rather than responding to the riled up emotions right now.

However, slowly preparing was no longer possible after what had happened to the Caro Kingdom.

Of course, the Roan Kingdom could take a step back and join the battle after finishing preparations, but the Roan Kingdom currently had the image as a strong nation and a leader among the Western continent�s kingdoms.
He could not lose that identity either.

It was no wonder his mind was a complicated mess.


He saw Cale who was smiling annoyingly at that moment.
It made him upset that he started to frown again.

�Why don�t you call me your highness?�
�Yes, your highness.�
��What is it?�

Alberu could see Cale start to smile brightly at his question.

�What you are afraid of right now is not that you�ll lose to the White Star, but that you�ll receive a lot of damage in the process, correct?�

The information he heard about the White Star from Cale helped him understand that the White Star�s forces were strong, but there were many strong individuals on the Western continent as well.
They should be able to win.
He was just fearful of how they would win.

Why did the ancient times end after that final battle?

The battle between the ancient White Star and the strong individuals had only left destruction for both sides.
The world would have needed to greet a new era in order to be able to rebuild.

�Your highness, there is a solution.�