Chapter: 4591


Gashan turned his head to the side after hearing the ground shake.
A berserk Bear was charging toward him.

�This old Tiger-!�

There were other Bears behind him as well.

�Stay out of this, old man!�
�You should have just died of old age in the rear!�

Three Bears were charging toward Gashan and Lock.


Lock flinched and turned his head toward Gashan.
He then flinched.

Gashan was not even looking at the Bears.
He was only looking forward.


He was smiling as well.

�Lock, there is no need to fear something we have hunted once already.�
�Excuse me?�

It happened as Lock asked back.


The charging Bear�s body floated up into the air. He could see a Tiger warrior who was smiling so widely that his fangs were clearly visible.

�Ugh! Ugh!�

The Tiger grabbed the Bear by the back of the neck.

�Idiots who have lost twice already think they�re the shit.�

The Tiger warrior sighed and then slammed his hand down to the ground.

