�Stop smiling for no reason and keep talking.�
�I understand. My goodness, my son is quite difficult.�
Cale, Raon, and Choi Han. All three of them glared at Fredo at the same time.
�Ahem. I will keep talking.�
Duke Fredo quickly returned to the topic at hand.
�The first floor, that is, the most central region. There are multiple temples for the priests who serve the Demonic race on the second floor above us.�
There were different temples as, just like the gods, there were multiple Demonic races.
The third floor is where most foundational facilities and residential dwellings are located.
�Anyway, the person who leads and controls the priests is Marquis Gersey. He is the Chief Priest.�
Duke Fredo stopped talking for a moment.
A different kind of smile appeared on his face.
�That bastard is the one who maintains the device that will turn the White Star into a member of the Demonic race.�
Duke Fredo slowly pointed down with his finger.
�Underneath Section 1� There is an underground area.�
Cale�s eyes clouded over.
�Is that where the Demonic race creating device is located?�
�Yes. I�ve only been there three times as well. But Gersey and the White Star go there routinely.�
Cale started to frown at that moment.
�How can we easily infiltrate a place even you�ve only been three times?�
Cale�s goal was to destroy that place.
But that would be difficult if they even had issues going in.
�My son. Your father is quite the talented Vampire.�
�Why don�t you cut the crap?�
Fredo ignored Cale and continued to speak.
�There is one person other than Gersey and the White Star who can freely go in and out of that place.�