He started to smile after seeing the way Choi Han and Raon were looking at him.
�Looks like you found it.�
Cale had told Choi Han and Raon to look into Duke Fredo.
�I was a bit worried about the two of them, but they always do a good job with the things I tell them to do.�
Cale confirmed that Choi Han and Raon looked fine before walking toward them with a satisfied smile.
�H, human!�
�Why, why are you acting like this?�
However, Raon was faster.
Raon flew over to Cale and grabbed one of his sleeves.
�H, human!�
��What�s wrong with you?�
Raon�s eyes were open very wide and shaking.
Choi Han then walked over and put his hand on Cale�s shoulder.
�Please don�t be shocked.�
��What the hell did you guys find that�s making you act like this?�
Raon and Choi Han�s reactions seemed serious.
�Cale-nim, please don�t be shocked.�
�I don�t think there�s a need for you to say the same thing twice? And based on what I�m seeing, Choi Han, it seems like you need to calm yourself down.�
��That�s true.�
Choi Han took a deep breath.
He then focused on Cale with a piercing gaze as he started to speak.
�I did not find anything useful in Duke Fredo�s bedroom, however, Raon saw Duke Fredo entering a secret passage and stealthily followed behind him.� JrNovels.com