Count Mock sternly looked at the black mage who respectfully bowed to him and walked away before turning around and looking at the waiting warriors with a serious gaze.
The boy looked at Count Mock and had the following thought.
�He�s acting like a total fool.�
Cale was working hard to not smile while looking at the excited Count Mock.
That was why others thought that he just looked like a nervous boy.
Boom- boom- boooom-
Cale watched the large-scale teleportation magic circle shining even brighter as the priests played the drums with a sharp gaze.
�There really is something to it.�
The drums the priests were playing were normal, but he was certain that there was an item from the Demon World among them.
�Young master Naru.�
He turned toward the voice that suddenly called out to him.
�Count Hubesha-nim.�
Cale walked over to Count Hubesha who had called him. She confirmed that Mock was busy before quietly whispering to Naru.
��Ha. I don�t know if it is okay for me to say something like this, but� Since I have a close relationship with Duke Fredo-nim��
She seemed to be contemplating something, however, she sounded firm as she finally stopped hesitating and said what she needed to say.
�Be careful. You never know what might happen in a battle.�
Cale�s expression turned odd. However, Hubesha read it as nervousness and calmly continued to speak.
�You need to take care of your own life. You also need to take care of your subordinates� lives. That is the job of a leader. Got it?�
�I understand.�
Cale responded confidently before he heard Solena�s voice behind him.
�Vice Commander-nim!�
Hubesha looked at Solena for a moment before talking to Cale again.
�Have a safe trip. I will stop by the Duchy every so often in order to check on your father�s condition.�
�Thank you very much, Count-nim. But I will just receive your heart behind the offer.�
�My father�s condition has worsened, so it will be hard to see him. Nobody other than the healers can be around him right now.�