Chapter: 4917

Lee Chul Min who was Park Jin Tae�s right-hand man caught up to him and started to speak.

�Are you going to let Kim Rok Soo go like this? Shouldn�t we beat him to a pulp when we have the chance?�

Park Jin Tae�s fox-like eyes turned sharp.

Lee Chul Min�s shoulders slightly shook after seeing that gaze.

Park Jin Tae quietly looked at him for a while before finally starting to speak.

�That bastard was the only one.�
�Excuse me?�
��Kim Rok Soo is the only initial shelter member who still considered Lee Soo Hyuk, the person who has still not returned, to be this shelter�s king.�

Many people came and went from the central shelters since the beginning of the cataclysm.

There were some people who had survived since then.

These people were called the initial shelter members and Park Jin Tae just considered them �Lee Soo Hyuk�s people.�

But it had been over 10 months.

Lee Soo Hyuk who left to help a different region that was having difficulties had not returned, and Grandma Kim, as well as the rest of Lee Soo Hyuk�s people had started to accept Park Jin Tae�s system one by one.

They probably had no choice.

They wanted to survive as well.

But Kim Rok Soo�

This useless bastard without any abilities never accepted Park Jin Tae as the owner of this place.

�No, that bastard is someone who didn�t accept the concept of, �king� in the first place.�

Honestly speaking, Kim Rok Soo�s acceptance did not matter.

He was the same as the other useless parasites that were surviving in this shelter.

But he found that venomous gaze annoying.

That was why even an ability user like Lee Chul Min was worried that he got on Park Jin Tae�s nerves just now.

But Kim Rok Soo was different.

�Ha, haha-�

Park Jin Tae started to refreshingly laugh out loud for the first time in a long while.