Because of the bullet that had exploded after hitting the poison smoke�
There was fire in the air.
It was only slightly bigger than the bear�s belly button.
The Poison Bear was a scary monster because of its immense strength and large body. Furthermore, they couldn�t approach it because of the poison surrounding its body that would be critical to them if they came in contact.
But if that poison was burning�
That fire was their one chance to pierce through the bear�s poison and attack it.
The fact that the size was extremely small and barely larger than the monster�s belly button didn�t matter.
�Park Jin Tae! Shoot toward the fire!�
Park Jin Tae�s eyes clouded over.
He understood what Cale was saying.
The gun pointed at the Poison Bear�s white dot.
His index finger pulled the trigger.
It was at that moment.
�Grrrrrr! Grrr, roooooooooar!�
The Poison Bear�s shout echoed out.
Actually, it was a scream.
There was a black fang in the back of the Poison Bear�s neck.
The black fang that bit the bear as if the poison didn�t matter at all twisted the Poison Bear�s neck instantly.
�Gr, grrrrrrrrrrrrrr-�
The Poison Bear was now just whimpering as its body tilted forward.