This was the man who had stood on top of the Dark Tiger�s back and gave orders to Kim Min Ah, Park Jin Tae, and Bae Puh Rum to get rid of the monsters one by one.
Bae Cheol-Ho firmly grabbed that hand.
�My name is Bae Cheol-Ho. Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart.�
He wanted to show his gratitude however he could.
That was why he tried to say something else, but Cale shook his head.
�We don�t have much time because we need to go help the other nearby central shelter as well, so I will keep it short.�
Bae Cheol-Ho thought about the third shelter in the vicinity after hearing Cale say that they didn�t have much time.
�Of course. Please feel free to say whatever you need to say.�
Bae Cheol-Ho grabbed Cale�s hand with both hands as he said that.
Cale continued to speak in a calm voice.
�Is Miss Che Soo Jung here?�
Bae Cheol-Ho�s eyes opened wide.
��Che Soo Jung?�
�Yes, sir. The lady who makes the flaming bottles.�
�She is. But why do you ask?�
Cale answered Bae Cheol-Ho�s question without any hesitation.
�I need to tell her in person, but� We are thinking about launching a counterattack.�
�Excuse me?�
�Haven�t you heard that the greatest defense is offense?�
�Excuse me?�
As Cale�s expression turned blank after hearing Bae Cheol-Ho answering the same way over and over�
�Do you need me for something?�
A woman wearing round glasses started to walk down from the second floor.
Cale looked into the focused eyes behind the glasses and nodded his head.