�So, you�re saying� No, according to your �foresight�.�
Park Jin Tae suppressed his wildly beating heart and barely managed to speak.
�An �unranked monster� will soon appear in Seomyeon, Busan?�
Park Jin Tae, Kim Min Ah, Bae Puh Rum, and the others.
Many of them were looking at Cale�s mouth.
Choi Han was standing behind Cale as if he was a guard.
Cale opened his mouth and gave a short response.
It was time.
�That is why I plan on going to Seomyeon, Busan.�
Seomyeon, Busan.
Those words became etched in people�s minds.
They also thought about the information regarding the �unranked monsters� Cale had mentioned.
One person started to speak while everybody was silent.
�Hey. Will we be able to do anything against such a monster even if we go?�
It was Lee Chul Min.
His expression was peaceful and very good compared to during the 24-hour battle a few days ago.
He had his head up as he continued to speak to Cale.
�Kim Rok Soo, according to what you just said, that monster is strong enough to easily destroy a Metropolitan City and the nearby cities. You also said it has some special abilities. Wouldn�t it be better for us to stay here?�
Lee Chul Min continued to speak while looking at Cale as if he could not understand him.
�It�s not like we�re going there to die. Why would we leave a great place like this and��� JrNovels.com