�Wait, how does that make any sense? How can one person-�
�You must have faith.�
Joo Ho-Shik calmly started to speak.
�I used to be someone who had a lot of doubt and didn�t know what to believe. But the moment I met Mr. Kim Rok Soo, I accepted that unbelievable reality and started to have faith.�
Lee Jin Joo sighed while Kim Min Joon smiled awkwardly and slightly shook his head.
But Joo Ho-Shik remained firm.
�That is why you must have faith.�
His gaze then moved to Seo Joon who was in Baek Song-Yi�s arms.
�Did I lie about anything?�
Seo Joon and the others flinched for a moment, but Seo Joon started to speak once Baek Song-Yi nodded her head.
�Not at all! That uncle and the mister both spoke the truth!�
Seo Joon pointed toward Kim Min Joon and Joo Ho-Shik and was full of confidence.
That was why Kim Po-Chul and Park Mal-Sook gasped.
It was at that moment.
�How is your dinner?�
Cale had walked over and started to speak.
It was less gentle and more stoic than earlier, but it sounded more comfortable, probably because that was Cale�s normal tone.
But the people who were on the receiving end of that question were not feeling good.
Kim Po-Chul started to speak and Cale looked at him with a confused expression.
Kim Po-Chul finished his question after seeing his gaze.