Park Jin Tae said something as he passed by Lee Soo Hyuk.
�Kim Rok Soo is the same but different.�
Park Jin Tae walked past Lee Soo Hyuk with an expression that seemed to be a mix of bitterness, dejectedness, and a bit of anticipation as he followed behind Cale.
Lee Soo Hyuk laughed before touching his scabbard.
He then started to speak to Park Jin Tae who was walking away.
�Hey, Jin Tae, by the way�?�
�What is it?�
�Is there anything you need to say to me?�
Park Jin Tae was silent without looking back before responding a moment later.
�Ask Lee Seung Won or Lee Jin Joo.�
��Hoooo. Is that so?�
Lee Soo Hyuk nodded his head and then asked something else.
�Did you keep our promise?�
Park Jin Tae started to frown.
Lee Soo Hyuk had asked Park Jin Tae to take care of the shelter as he left and the two of them had made a promise.
�Hey, Jin Tae. I don�t know about anything else, but I hope you can protect the people in this shelter. Can you do that?�
�Hyung, don�t worry. I�ll do a good job.�
�Damn it.�
Park Jin Tae continued to walk without responding.
Lee Soo Hyuk was watching the nonresponsive Park Jin Tae�s back with a cold and sunk gaze.
He then smiled toward the messenger who was wary of him and started to speak.
�You should get ready to go with me too. Oh, and turn off the alarm.�
�Yes, hang-nim!�
* * *
Kim Woo frowned while walking out of the open northern gate.