The monster had quietly appeared from underwater and used a stealthy method to destroy everything.
Cale gave a short response.
�The subway.�
The Seomyeon shelter was connected through the underground.
That was the reason this place had no choice but to become a ferocious battlefield in the past.
�The monster is going to attack through the subway?�
��We would have been screwed if we didn�t know about it.�
The subway. The people in the room repeated that word in their minds.
This meeting room was the size of an indoor gymnasium.
Cale started to speak again.
�The Electric Eel� That monster will use the subway to travel close to Seomyeon before showing itself and attacking the Seomyeon shelter.�
�Something seems weird.�
Someone raised their hand at that moment.
It was Jo Min Yeh, the Jeonnam representative.
�What is weird?�
She responded to Cale�s question.
�I don�t know the situation at Busan, but I�m certain that most of the subway tunnels are destroyed and full of debris. There should be many paths that are impossible for it to cross.�
Jo Min Yeh looked toward Heo Sook Ja who was next to Cale.
Heo Sook Ja nodded her head.
�That�s right. Our Seomyeon shelters rescue team members have checked out the subway tunnels, and although none of them are fully blocked, many of them are at least partially destroyed.�
�But this monster is still able to stealthily cross through those paths to get to Seomyeon?�
Jo Min Yeh shook her head.
She then looked back toward Cale and continued to speak.
�I was expecting a large monster as it is an unranked monster, but I guess it is smaller than I expected.�