Cale covered his face with both hands as he asked the Elf Chief.
�Can you tell us the location?�
� Oh yeah!
Chief Canaria started to smile at Cale�s question. She seemed like a fan who was about to watch her two favorite celebrities meet each other.
Cale started to feel iffy after lowering his hand to see the smile on Canaria�s face.
�Does the Dragon have a good personality?�
�I do not dare to speak on the personalities of such revered beings. They are all great and mighty beings.�
Cale shouldn�t have asked such a question to Dragon worshippers.
�Is it an adult Dragon?�
�He is an Ancient Dragon-nim. He is also a sociable Dragon.�
� An old Dragon!
Raon added on after hearing Canaria say that the Dragon was an Ancient Dragon. On the other hand, Cale�s expression did not seem to be too good.
�A sociable Dragon is still a selfish Dragon.�
But Cale was still a bit relieved. Chief Canaria�s words meant that the Gold Dragon would at least show some curiosity toward Raon.
� I will prove the greatness of I, Raon Miru!
Cale held back a sigh after hearing Raon�s response. Would a goofy Dragon like Raon manage to survive in front of an Ancient Dragon? He was actually a bit worried.
However, that worry quickly disappeared.
It was because of what Chief Canaria said next.
�However, I am worried because, as an Ancient Dragon, the Dragon-nim is struggling with his health. I hope that seeing another Dragon-nim will make him happy and help him recover some strength.�
Thankfully, that Dragon was weak.
This lessened Cale�s worries, because he felt like they would be able to run away, even if Raon ended up in a fight with this Gold Dragon.
�We can run if all else fails.�
Raon should not be at a disadvantage if he took Choi Han and the rest with them. Cale debated what he could do to be able to take a strong enough group to be able to look down on that Ancient Dragon. However, Canaria started to smile and speak again.