The blonde Elf suddenly covered his mouth and started to cough. Fluids started to spill out from between his fingers.
Raon�s shocked voice quickly shot out.
�W, what is wrong?! Golden Dragon, blood! Don�t cough up blood!�
A Dragon was coughing up blood.
Drip, drip.
The drops of blood that traveled through the blonde Elf�s hand and fell down started to dye the white snow red.
Cale became anxious while looking at the red blood.
�Isn�t it something serious at this point?�
�Cough, ugh, cough!�
The blonde Elf hunched forward because of how much he was coughing. Raon flew over and supported the Elf up as he continued to cough up blood.
�Ha, haha.�
�Golden Dragon, do not laugh!�
The blonde Elf started to laugh while looking at Raon. The Gold Dragon continued to speak, even as he was coughing. (I really don�t like how the author goes back and forth between Gold Dragon and blonde Elf, but I�ll stay true to what is in the text. )
�A Dragon worrying about another Dragon. Cough.�
�Stop talking! Goldie!�
The blonde Elf�s golden pupils lit up for a moment. That golden light caught Cale�s attention, even though he was a bit of a distance away. At that moment, Pendrick started to run toward the Gold Dragon.
At the same time, the Gold Dragon named Eruhaben, officially introduced himself.
�Little kid, my name is not Goldie. It is Eruhaben.�
�Is that so? Nice to meet you. But I am not a little kid.�
Raon, who was saying that he was not a little kid in a grumbling voice, continued to support Eruhaben up.
Eruhaben watched Raon with an odd expression in his eyes.