One of the people inside asked in a shaking voice.
A weak and innocent looking man was looking at Cale and the others. Not only were the man�s eyes pure, but they seemed to be teary as well, making him look very pitiful.
But that was not the problem.
�Why is she over here?�
There was a blonde woman lying on the ground next to the innocent-looking blonde man.
He had seen her before.
The blonde sword master.
The person from the secret organization who had killed the blood-crazy mage, Redika.
That woman was dyed black in multiple spots on her body and was lying there unconscious.
A very quiet noise reached Cale�s ear.
Choi Han had started to take his sword out of the scabbard.
Cale felt like someone had thrown a punch at him.
�What the hell is going on?�
At that moment, he made eye contact with Ron.
�What�s wrong?�
That was what Ron�s gaze seemed to be asked. At that moment, Cale�s mind became clear.
�Oh, right. That woman does not know my face.�
The blonde sword master did not know Cale�s face, or anybody else�s face for that matter. She had only seen them with their masks on.