Chapter: 90

�He seems like a good butler.�

The silver kitten, On, said that as she approached Cale. Cale nodded his head. Then, the red kitten, Hong, followed behind.

�It doesn�t seem that hard for him either.�

Cale agreed with that statement as well. Ron was one thing, but other than Ron, Hans was the one who had the least difficulty dealing with Cale. He was scared of Cale, but did not find him to be difficult.

�He�s a pretty decent butler.�

Cale brushed aside the kittens coming toward him and opened the box. The method of opening a box with a magic lock was simple. Cale�s fingerprint. That was the only key that could open this particular box. Cale put his index finger on the center of the magic seal.

Beep. Click.

The box made a small noise before opening.

Inside the box were the items Cale had prepared during the four days prior to leaving for the capital.

�I�m really curious about what this is.�

�Really curious.�

Cale ignored the two pairs of golden pupils looking at him, and just vaguely answered.

�Things that will help rescue a poor soul, screw over some douchebags, and prevent me from getting hurt.�

On and Hong looked up at him with curiosity, but Cale just caressed the items inside the box with satisfaction. He recalled the conversation he had with Billos, the Flynn Merchant Guild�s bastard, before he left.

�Young master, just where do you plan on using these things?�

�I don�t see why I have to explain that to you.�

��I see. But it is going to cost quite a bit to purchase all of these items.�

��Is it possible to rent them?�

�For you, of course, it is possible.�

The majority of the items inside the box were magic tools. Cale had expected them to be expensive, but it really was too much. Cale had to use up all of the allowances he had earned from his father. He also had to return it all to Billos once he got to the capital.

�Annoying. I didn�t want to get involved with him at the capital, but I have no other choice.�

�Two of the items are not able to be rented out to outsiders. I rented them in my name, for you. So you must return these to me at the capital. In person.�


Cale grabbed one of the items in the box. It was a round, black orb with a lot of symbols engraved on it. The red kitten Hong put his paws on Cale�s knee to ask.