Cale told Toonka the truth. He was not on Toonka�s side.
Although he now hoped that the Whipper Kingdom would be victorious in this war, he did not want them to have a dominating victory.
The balance of power between the Roan Kingdom, Breck Kingdom, the Jungle, and the Whipper Kingdom would become skewed if the Whipper Kingdom has a dominating victory over the Empire.
That was why Cale wanted Toonka to barely win.
�How could someone with such thoughts be a good person?�
Cale decided that it was about time to end the chat.
�Toonka, this isn�t like you at all. Weren�t you going to sweep the Empire away?�
Cale could see Toonka�s eyebrows start to twitch.
� � You are right. I need to sweep them away.
Toonka hated the Empire even more after what had happened with Hota.
Toonka�s eyes returned to their usual glow. Cale had one last thing to say to Toonka.
�Be yourself.�
�Be myself.�
The corners of Toonka�s lips started to go up. He soon had his usual smile that made him look like a simpleton.
He then got up from his seat.
� Yes, I need to live a life that is true to myself.
Toonka said that as he looked toward Cale. Cale nodded his head.
Toonka�s smile became even thicker. At that moment, Cale said something else in an indifferent voice.
�But pay some attention to your soldiers as well. Maybe it is because I am a weak person, but it hurts me to see weak people die.�
That comment made Toonka start to think.
�He says that he�s not a good person? After saying something like that?�
Toonka had made up his mind to live a life that was true to his style. His style was not one that took care of the weaklings.