Chapter: 868

If he really loved Yunmo, he wouldn't use the word 'stupid' to describe Yunmo.

Fu Shiting has never said Yinyin is stupid, and even if others say Yinyin is stupid, he will be very angry.

This is the difference between not loving and loving.

"There is a saying in country A that there is no filial son in front of the bed for a long time. I think Yunmo's family should love him, otherwise they would not spend money and energy on treating him." Qin Anan adjusted his mentality after taking a sip of water.

"That's true. But no matter what, his family shouldn't be pissed at you."

"I didn't communicate well with them before the operation. They thought I could make Yunmo return to normal." Qin Anan looked down at Yunmo on the hospital bed, "Maybe something I said gave them this illusion."

"They're just whimsical. It's a good result to make Yun Mo's condition improve a little." The nurse comforted, "Doctor Qin, don't have the same knowledge as them. By the way, don't forget the surgery fee you should charge. receive."

Qin Anan only accepted the deposit they gave in the early stage, and agreed to pay the rest after the operation.

But looking at the attitude of Yunmo's family, Qin Anan has no plans to collect the remaining money.

She promised to perform surgery on Yun Mo, not entirely to make money, but because of Yin Yin.

After sitting in the ward for a while, the person on the bed suddenly opened his eyes.

Qin An'an looked away from the phone screen and looked at him.

"Yunmo, how are you feeling?" She put down the phone and asked softly, "Your head may hurt a little, this is normal. Can you hear me?"

Yun Mo looked at her face and quickly responded.

He not only nodded, but also let out a 'um' from his throat.

Looking at his eyes and expressions, Qin Anan didn't think he was a fool at all.

He and Yin Yin's reaction were similar at the beginning.

Except when she quarreled with Fu Shiting, when she deliberately used Yinyin's illness to anger him, she said that Yinyin was a fool. At other times, she never felt that Yinyin was a fool.

"I'm your attending doctor, and my name is Qin An'an." Qin An'an introduced herself to him because she had never had the opportunity to introduce herself to Yinyin before.

If time can be reversed, how much she hopes that after Yin Yin operation, she can say this sentence as soon as possible to give the patient a sense of security.

"If you have any discomfort, you can tell me. If I'm not with you, you can tell the people around you about your situation and let them notify me." Qin Anan held his cool palm, "I I'll try my best to help you."

Yun Mo's brows stretched, and he replied softly again.

"If you feel dizzy, you can close your eyes and rest." Qin Anan saw that he was quiet and continued.

He shook his head and looked at her with clear, clear eyes.

She smiled politely at him at first, but when he looked at him for a long time, she was a little embarrassed: "Yunmo, what are you thinking?"

"My name is... Yunmo?" He hesitated and said these words.

"Yeah, your name is Yunmo. You are sick, and your family invites me to treat you." Qin Anan explained patiently, "You may have a headache now or occasionally your mind goes blank, don't worry, it will gradually ease in the future. ."

Yun Mo's lips moved, and he made a hoarse voice: "Thank you."

At the door of the ward, Yun Mo's father was stunned when he saw this scene.

Yun Mo had woken up twice before, one time he didn't seem to be able to hear the sound and didn't respond, and the second time he could hear the sound, but his eyes were dull and ignored.

Unexpectedly, he woke up this time and was able to speak.