Chapter: 1371

Qiao Shan excitedly told Ji Fan who was resting in the next room.

"Mr. Ji, I made a lot of money this time. It is estimated that I can collect about a hundred spirit medicines."

Hearing this, Ji Fan was full of admiration, and had to say, Qiao Shan's method is really good.

"it is good."

"Thanks for your hard work."

"It's not hard work, it should, I can finally help Mr. Ji."

Qiao Shan said excitedly.

An hour later, all the guests were present, and after everyone was seated, Mr. Qiao came to the stage excitedly.

"Thank you to all the distinguished guests for attending the succession meeting of the patriarch of my Qiao family. The old man now officially announces that he will pass the title of patriarch to the eldest son of the old man, Qiao Shan."

clap clap clap...

VIP audience, thunderous applause.

"Now, ask Mr. Ji to be the new patriarch of my Qiao family and grant the patriarch's seal."

Hearing this, everyone immediately looked at the stage, and Ji Fan walked out with a smile on his face.

He took over the seal of the patriarch from Mr. Qiao and gave it to Qiao Shan.

But don't underestimate this link. Many families have this link. The person responsible for granting the seal to the head of the family is usually the most famous person in the family. That is to say, this person can decide many things in the family, from From a certain point of view, it may be even greater than the prestige of the head of the family.

This time, the Qiao family invited Ji Fan to grant the seal, the meaning of the seal can be imagined.

At this moment, many of the guests present were full of shock.

It seems that the relationship between the Qiao family and Ji Fan is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Realizing this, the minds of many guests became more eager.

With the end of the printing ceremony, Mr. Qiao announced with a red face.

"Next, I invite all the guests to enjoy the food and wine."

The banquet officially started.

For a time, many big families gathered around first to congratulate Qiao Shan with a toast, and then expressed their desire to meet Ji Fan.

Qiao Shan had been instructed by Ji Fan for a long time, and arranged to meet according to the amount of the elixir of ten thousand years given by the guests.

The banquet scene was staggered and happy.

At this moment, suddenly, a scream came.


The screams immediately attracted everyone's attention, and everyone turned their heads to look, only to see a guest who fell to the ground, twitching and foaming at the mouth.

Seeing this scene, Qiao Shan hurried over and came to this person.

He recognized at a glance that this person was the head of the Xue family in Bacheng. Three minutes ago, the two were clinking glasses.

"Patriarch Xue, what's wrong with you?"

However, Patriarch Xue couldn't speak at all, and his face gradually turned black.

Seeing this scene, Qiao Shan said quickly:

"Come on, take Patriarch Xue to the hospital..."

Qiao Shan's voice was not finished, but at this moment, several voices came.


Immediately afterwards, several more people fell to the ground in pain, twitching all over and foaming at the mouth, exactly like Patriarch Xue.

This time, the guests present panicked.

"How is this going?"

At this time, the Qiao family was also panicked, and Mr. Qiao quickly stood up, just about to stabilize the chaotic scene, but when he opened his mouth, he spat out a mouthful of foam, and his body began to twitch uncontrollably.

This time, the scene was in chaos.

Many people fell one after another.

Who would have thought that a good banquet would turn into what it is now in the blink of an eye.

"No, it seems that there is a problem with the wine."

"What?? How dare the Qiao family poison the wine???"

There were panicked voices everywhere in the crowd.

At this time, Ji Fan's face was gloomy, and he also felt that the situation in his body was wrong. He immediately looked inward and quickly found the problem.

At some point in his veins, a strange blood poison appeared.

At this moment, this blood poison is spreading rapidly along his blood vessels.