She peppered him with a few of the other popular myths�sleeping in coffins, turning into bats, no reflection in the mirror�which Dorian quickly dispelled. But soon they reached the end of the lightning round, and in the heavy pause that followed, he knew whatever came next was going to alter her reality forever.
She knew it too. Her face had changed, the playfulness dimming from her eyes. More than anything, Dorian wanted to hit the proverbial pause button, take her into his arms again, and kiss her until she�d forgotten that he was a vampire, forgotten she�d ever wanted to know about the dark world that existed alongside hers.
But it was too late for that.
"Dorian," she said somberly, "how do you get your� blood supply?"
"Vampires are not required to feed from live humans," he said, hoping to put her at ease.