"What typically happens there," he continued, "is that a vampire bites the human, drains enough blood to stop the heart, then forces the victim to ingest his blood. Vampire blood has rapid regenerative properties and will almost immediately restart the human�s heart and begin transforming his remaining blood into vampire blood, thus initiating the change." Dorian leaned back, bracing his hands against the cold rock slab. "On the plus side, our blood allows us to heal quickly, and can also heal human wounds, provided the human isn�t already near his death."
"What if he
is near death?"
"If a human has lost enough blood for his heart to stop, vampire blood will take over his system and turn him, as I�ve described. But if the injury is less severe, it will simply aid in the regeneration process, allowing human blood to replace itself and fight off the transition before it happens."
"Sounds risky."
"It is. And many humans who
do begin the transition don�t survive it." An old, familiar chill gripped his heart, but he shook it off, continuing. "Many people believe vampires are soulless, but that�s not true�we retain our human souls, even after transitioning. We�re immortal, but that doesn�t mean we can�t be killed. Doesn�t mean our souls aren�t bound for hell, destined to an eternity of demonic enslavement right alongside the human sinners."