Chapter: 1407

He hugged Yangyang.

"Big cousin, what's the matter with you? Are you unhappy?"

Yang Yang asked with concern, and before Shang Wuhen could answer, he put his arms around Shang Wuhen's neck, then shyly kissed Shang Wuhen's handsome face, and said, "Big cousin, I'm not happy When the time comes, my mother will kiss me, and then I will be very happy."

"I kissed you too, are you happy?"

Faced with such a cute baby, Shang Wuhen's face was stained with a smile, he rubbed his face against Yang Yang's tender face, and said softly: "Big cousin is happy for the time being."

It would be great if Lan Jing could have a child belonging to their husband and wife without having to bear the pain of childbearing.

If a man can get pregnant, he is absolutely willing to bear this pain instead of Lan Jing.

A servant walked up to Shang Xiaofei and whispered a few words in Shang Xiaofei's ear.

Shang Xiaofei gave the servant some instructions in a low voice, and when the servant left, she said to the sister-in-law nonchalantly: "Sister-in-law, don't be angry, my elder brother is bewitched now, mom will call him a jerk."

Lan Jing is angry.

She has been married to Shang Wuhen for so many years, because Shang Wuhen is domineering and wants to monopolize her for several years, so she has been taking contraceptive measures after marriage, so she has not been pregnant since she married Shang Wuhen.

People outside are saying in private that she is a chicken that can't lay eggs.

Finally, the couple reached an agreement to have a baby.

She also became pregnant as she wished. Lan Jing was full of expectations for this child. Although there was no fetal movement yet, she knew that there was a baby in her belly. It was her and Shang Wuhen's baby, and it was the continuation of the blood of the couple.

The motherly love that women naturally bring is stimulated, and Lan Jing regards the baby in her belly as more important than her life.

How could she be willing to abort the child?

But Shang Wuhen clamored to take her to the hospital to have an abortion, saying that he would not have any children in the future, and the husband and wife would live together.

He also said that he has two brothers, let the younger brother marry a wife and have children, and one child will inherit the incense of the business.

Lan Qing was half dead with anger.

She thought Shang Wuhen was just talking about it, but she didn't expect him to mean it.

Lan Jing had no choice but to tell her in-laws about Shang Wuhen's thoughts, and then her in-laws were blown away.

Lan Jing still didn't dare to tell her natal family about this, for fear that her natal brothers would come and beat Shang Wuhen violently.

"Your elder brother even made an appointment with a doctor, Xiaofei, can I not be angry?"

Lan Jing complained to her sister-in-law about her husband's stupidity.

Shang Wuhen held Yangyang in his arms and stood not far away, looking at his wife, and said: "But you are suffering so much, it is better to terminate the pregnancy, if you like children, we can take Yangyang over and let Yangyang accompany you every day you."

"Haitong, listen to what your cousin is talking about."

Mrs. Shang's heart ached from the eldest son's anger, she took her niece's hand and said, "Yangyang is Hailing's son, not your husband and wife's. Do you have the nerve to take Yangyang away from Hailing?"

Hai Tong hurriedly comforted the aunt's emotions, "Auntie, don't be so angry, we just need to persuade the eldest cousin. It's not that he doesn't like children, it's just that he loves his cousin."

She looked at Shang Wuhen again, and said, "Yangyang will go to kindergarten in September, and she can't be with her cousin every day. The big cousin looks cute at Yangyang, and the child born with your cousin will definitely be too. As cute as Yangyang."

"That's the crystallization of love between you and your cousin, are you willing to let it go?"