Chapter: 2080

Not to mention that Mu Qing recognized her biological parents, and transformed herself into the eldest granddaughter of the Lan family in Wangwangcheng, her status is very precious.

Now the head of the Lan family is the twin elder brother of Mu Qing's mother. After his father stepped down, he divided the private property between the two brothers and sisters equally. Now Mu Qing put aside her status as the youngest mistress of the Jun family and counted on her personal assets. She is also a proper rich woman.

Tens of billions of net worth.

Haitong couldn't match this point.

Therefore, Mrs. Jun felt that the family style of the Zhan family was really good, and the elders were really open-minded. Mrs. Zhan was even more eclectic in choosing her granddaughter-in-law, and only valued character.

"Don't say that, old sister. Jun Bo is also a very good kid, not inferior to our family's Ah Yin. Compared with Ah Yin, I think Jun Bo is better. He has a much better temper. My family's Ah Yin has a bad temper. It is Tongtong who can stand him, and if it is replaced by other people, it is guaranteed that there will be a small quarrel for three days, and a big quarrel for five days."

"Not to mention your family's Junbo, just Junran is also very good. I admire your family's Junran very much, but it's a pity that I don't have a granddaughter, otherwise I would marry my old sister."

Speaking of the old fifth, Junran, Mrs. Jun said, "How are the fifth and Xiaofei? I heard from Ai Jun that Mrs. Shang always dislikes the fifth and is reluctant to marry her daughter away. The fifth has been stationed in Guancheng for a long time. Taking care of the business over there, what is the difference between this and the people of Guancheng?"

"Mrs. Shang's temper is also very stubborn. My daughter-in-law is so impatient that she wants to do it herself."

"The fifth child also said that it was not suitable to meet his parents, and he would not let his parents go over to interfere, saying that he could handle his affairs well. We can only do it in a hurry."

The old lady said: "Fengying's stubbornness is a headache. But she doesn't think that Junran is not good enough. She only has one daughter, Xiaofei, and she really doesn't want her daughter to marry far away."

"Fengying is Mrs. Shang's boudoir name, it's a rare surname."

Mrs. Jun only knew Mrs. Shang's surname was Feng, but she didn't know Mrs. Shang's boudoir name.

"It's rare, I only know that there is a person named Feng in Jiangcheng..."

The old lady suddenly stopped talking.

The surname Feng is really rare. Mrs. Shang's surname is Feng, but there is a Feng family in Jiangcheng. In that family, women rule the power, no, the eldest daughter rules the power.

When the old lady had her eyes on Qiao Han and wanted to consider Qiao Han as a granddaughter-in-law candidate, she had been active in Jiangcheng for a long time. In addition to secretly investigating Qiao Han's character and ability, she also found out several major families in Jiangcheng.

The Feng family is the most special existence, so she naturally went to find out.

It's just that she didn't connect the Feng family in Jiangcheng with Mrs. Shang. Maybe Mrs. Shang has been married to the merchant for decades. Everyone is used to calling her Mrs. Shang, ignoring her surname, like her maiden name, Lian Jun. The old lady doesn't even know.

Mrs. Shang may have something to do with the Feng family in Jiangcheng.

Mrs. Shang was so powerful when she was young. Those who grew up in an orphanage could rely on their excellence to marry into a wealthy family second only to the Zhan family and become the head wife of a merchant. Her excellence may be inherited from the family blood.

The women of the Feng family, especially the eldest daughter, are very powerful.

Due to the nature of the old lady's previous work, when she was interested in the Feng family, she also found out some of the past of the Feng family.

For example, the current head of the family took the position of head of the family only after killing the elder sister and younger sister.

The eldest sister of the head of the Feng family is much older than her, at least twenty years older than her. Her mother gave birth to her in her forties, and her younger sister was born a year later.

Therefore, there is a big age gap between her and her elder sister.

The eldest sister of the Feng Patriarch is a workaholic. She married late and had children late. After the current Feng Patriarch became an adult, her elder sister got married and had a daughter. She gave birth to two daughters in a row. They may be older daughters. Her elder sister's health gradually deteriorated, and many The matter was handed over to her younger sister to take care of it.

After tasting the sweetness of power, the current head of the Feng family became ambitious and wanted to replace her eldest sister as the head of the Feng family, so she secretly planned and plotted to kill the eldest sister's family and successfully picked herself out to marry her. Disaster for the younger sister.

When the eldest sister died, her two nieces were only a few years old. Afterwards, the two daughters of the previous head of the Feng family disappeared in Jiangcheng.

Decades have passed, no one has paid attention to whether the two daughters of the former head of the Feng family are alive or dead, and many people even dare not mention the matter of the head of the Feng family for fear of causing death.