Chapter: 2631

When the two sisters were born, although the Ning family did not have the wealth they have today, it was still a well-to-do family. They had never experienced hardship or poverty.

When they got married, because the family was rich, they received a generous dowry from their parents, married into a husband who was also rich, and became young mistresses. poor days.

But they are old and used to being pampered. They can't find a job, and the only ones they can do are cleaners.

Cleaners often spend a month's income in a few days.

It is said that it is easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

It is most suitable for this pair of sisters.

Unable to bear the hard times, the two sisters ran back to their parents' house with the cheek to beg their niece to let them go.

They understood that the most ruthless person in the Ning family was not the eldest brother and sister-in-law, but the blind Ning Yunchu.

Ning Yunchu was fortunate enough to enter the Zhan family's gate as a blind girl.

For the first twenty years, Ning Yunchu lived the life of a Cinderella, but for the rest of her life, she was able to live the life of a young mistress.

God is making up for her.

"Yunchu, open the door, I am your eldest aunt."

"Yunchu, we know we're wrong, we give up, we won't fight with you for property anymore, just let us go."

Second Aunt Ning also yelled loudly.

The neighbors of the Ning family have known for a long time that the sisters went back to their natal family to fight for the family property.

If the property of the Ning family was still under their parents' names, it would make sense for them to come back and fight for it.

However, before their parents died of illness, they made arrangements for the family property, and did not treat the married daughter badly, and they were still divided into the parents' family property.

Today's Ning family belongs to Ning Yunchu's father. Her father didn't know whether he had a premonition or discovered his wife's poisonous plot long ago. Not long after Ning Yunchu was born, he actually made a will, stating all his family properties They are all left to their daughter Ning Yunchu.

The Ning family business was originally inherited by Ning Yunchu's father, but his father died early, so the company fell into the hands of her uncle.

After her uncle's careful management, she has the current family fortune.

She and her uncle are also father and daughter in name, stepfather and daughter, she also has the right to inherit, so after Mr. Ning and his wife entered, Ning Yunchu easily took over the Ning family's business with the help of Mo Donghao.

After sorting out the family history and division process of the Ning family, it is a bit unreasonable for Aunt Ning and Aunt Ning to come back to divide the property of her natal family.

After all, their brothers all have children.

It's not their turn to divide the family property, unless all three of Ning Yunchu's siblings die.

Someone from the house came out.

Aunt Ning immediately said to her sister, "The blind man has come out."

Ning Yunchu used to be able to move freely in her own home, but now she doesn't need a blind man's cane, and after coming out of the house, she walked straight to the door.

In the eyes of the two aunts, they didn't think much about it.

The two aunts also knew about Dr. Cheng treating Ning Yunchu's eyes.

They did not believe that Dr. Cheng could cure Ning Yunchu.