Chapter: 4114

Not to mention anyone else, it was her father. Although her father had a good relationship, at least he didn't cheat on her, but it was her father who had always accommodated her father.

Is her mother useless?

No, when she was young, her mother was also very powerful.

It was only when she grew up and was able to take over that her father retreated to the second line.

My father and I help take care of the family business together. They are both equally busy and equally tired. But when they come home, their parents always worry about them and discipline them. My father always feels that there are servants and drivers at home, and many families are also invited. teacher,

There is no need for them to worry about it as parents.

Therefore, father really doesn't care about them.

Only relatives are worried about it, so they have a better relationship with relatives.

Ouyang Ya said to her sister: "Don't listen to other people's gossip. Whether it's good or not will only be known if you try it yourself."

"As a family like ours, we don't have to worry about living poorly. We are confident."

Ouyang Ya said: "We ourselves are strong enough, and our natal family is also strong enough. With these two points, as long as we choose a man with good character, we will not have a bad life."

"That's right. When will I get a boyfriend? I want to have a brother-in-law."

Ouyang Ya lightly scolded her sister: "I don't think I'm young, do you think I have time to fall in love? We have young talents here who are suitable for you, and they are married, so they are not suitable for you, and we don't like them, so we are in a hurry. what."

"Sister, I believe in fate. If you are destined to come thousands of miles to meet each other, if you are not destined to meet across the street, you will not know each other."

"I'll do this for you, and we'll have dinner with you at five o'clock."

Normally, the company gets off work at 5:30 pm.

Ouyang Ya is a workaholic. Many times when everyone gets off work, she is still in the office. When she leaves the company, it is usually around seven o'clock in the evening. Unless she has to socialize in the evening, she will leave the company early.

Getting off work half an hour early is Ouyang Ya's maximum limit.

Considering that changing the chef at home requires a re-examination, she always wants to meet Zhan Yuan to get to know his character.

Try the food he makes to see if it suits her taste.

Let's see how good Zhan Yuan is. He's so good that his sister wants to leave work and go home right now.

Ouyang Ting said: "Five o'clock, five o'clock is a bit late, four thirty is almost the same."

"If you continue to bargain with me, you can get off work as normal. It's just a few questions for you and me to eat. Isn't half an hour early enough?"

There is no need for their help in cooking.