Chapter: 4560

Her mother would not let her go to school, let alone send her to a special school to continue her education. Her education was limited to high school, and she had not graduated.

After regaining her sight, she was able to see. When she took care of the company herself, she found that many of the contracts were in English and she couldn't understand them. She had to ask Brother Mo to translate them into Chinese for her to understand. contract.

This shocked Ning Yunchu.

The old miracle doctor came over this time and checked Ning Yunchu's eyes. He said that after she used up the medicine for this course of treatment, she would not need to take any more medicine, but she should also pay attention to protecting her eyes and not overusing them.

It took the first half of the year for my eyes to recover better, which was enough.

She plans to repeat her senior year of high school next September and take the college entrance examination the following month.

Anyway, she can't have a baby in the next few years, so she needs to improve her academic qualifications first.

Zhan Yichen has a high degree of education and knows the languages ????of several countries. He is very impressive.

She couldn't hold him back, and she had to work hard to shorten the academic gap between the couple.

Lest others say she is not worthy of Zhan Yichen.

Ning Siqi got out of the car.

She wore sunglasses and long wavy hair. When she got out of the car, she put on high heels.

Not forgetting to grab her famous bag, of course it was the bag she bought when she was still a young lady of the Ning family.

Now, in the eyes of others, she no longer has that much money to spend on luxury goods.

Yun Chu watched Ning Siqi walking over, and she always felt that this person didn't look like Ning Siqi. His walking posture was different. In front of her, Ning Siqi looked particularly arrogant and looked down on others.

Therefore, Ning Siqi likes to hold her chin high when walking, as if her eyes are on the top of her head.

"They are all young ladies of the Zhan family. Miss Ning even pruned the branches herself. You are used to it. Even if you fly on the branches, you still can't adapt to the life of a phoenix. This is the so-called "you can't become a phoenix even if you fly on the branches" Bar."

Ning Siqi walked up to Ning Yunchu and spoke sarcastically.

Ning Yunchu stood up, stared at Ning Siqi for a moment, and asked coldly: "What are you doing here?"

"I have no money. If you give me some money, my car is almost out of gas. If you don't give me money, I won't even have money for gas. The living expenses Ning Tianlei gives me every month are not enough at all. "

Ning Siqi accused: "You two siblings treat me like a beggar."

Ning Yunchu stopped looking at her and continued to prune flowers and branches, his attitude still cold and cold: "You have no hands and no feet. How can you find a job to support yourself?"

"I have money, but I won't give it to you."

"Ning Yunchu, I have a share of the Ning family's property! You and Ning Tianlei don't want to take it all to yourself."