Chapter: 1331

"Dong Kai, this is a gift from my Yin family. Although it is much worse than the Jing family, I still hope you accept it!" After saying that in a low voice, Yin Baifan hung up the phone without saying anything more!

Next, the only thing he needs to do is to wait!

Waiting for Jing Liyuan to tidy up a huge family called 'Dong Family' for him!

This time, all that was left in Dong's hands was a cooperation case with a certain Russian company! No one dared to slacken their grip on this last straw!


On the way Jing Liyuan was driving home, he made a direct call and spoke proficient Russian very smoothly. Jing Liyao was holding a suit of dress in his arms and was going home to modify it. Hearing what he said, he couldn't help but raised his eyebrows and smiled slightly.

Sure enough, the most ruthless person in their family is Jing Liyuan!

Otherwise, he will never make a move, and once he makes a move, he will have to push people to a corner before he will give up!

The threat to call the people in Russia and ask them to withdraw their capital within five minutes is all he can say, the reason is only - his Dong family bullied my wife!

What this wife slave did was such a disturbance that everyone in Russia knew about it!

After hanging up the phone, Jing Liyuan turned his head to look at his sister, his eyes fell on the position of her wrist that was accidentally twisted last night, and he felt warm in his heart, and said, "Sister, thank you yesterday."

If it wasn't for the fire that distracted the Dong family, I really don't know what will happen next!

Jing Liyao just smiled and said nothing, but fortunately she is not someone who must rely on her hands to do things. This chapter has been read (please click on the next chapter to continue reading!)

"I don't have any demands, but you and Xiaoxiao should hurry up to remarry, and mother won't let me and your brother live in peace any longer." Thinking of her own mother, Jing Liyao was also speechless for a while, she was the one who forced them to divorce, and now she is also the one who forced them to remarry, "Hurry up and do it, so she won't worry about it!"

Pursing his lips and smiling, Jing Liyuan felt that the air had become slightly sweet when he looked at the scenery outside the window.

When the car was stuck on the side of the road, Jing Liyao looked out and saw the quail eggs sold by someone on the side of the road, her eyes lit up immediately, she stretched out her hand to grab Jing Liyuan and said, "Liyuan, go buy some quail eggs, your little wife loves to eat."

Turning his eyes to look at the quail eggs in the bag, Jing Liyuan raised his eyebrows slightly. Jing Liyuan got out of the car without saying anything and went to buy it. After turning around and putting it in the trunk, the car was still stuck here. He couldn't help asking, "How do you know she likes to eat?"

Jing Liyao pursed her lips and said, "Although you all live in Yin's house during this time, it doesn't prevent our mother's eagerness to know that she will soon have a grandson to take care of, understand?"

Yu Jiahui didn't get close to the Yin family, nor did she get close to Yan Xiaoxiao, but that didn't mean she didn't know what Yan Xiaoxiao liked to eat!

When pregnant women reach a certain stage, there are always some things they like to eat!

Among them, Yin Xiaoxiao especially likes to eat quail eggs now!


The Range Rover headed straight for home on the bustling city road. The huge LCD screens on the side of the road were all broadcasting the news that the Jing family suppressed the Dong family, but few people saw it at all. This is how the six relatives do not recognize each other in shopping malls, not to mention that your Dong family has never been a good person!

In just one day, the Dong family could no longer withstand such an all-round and overwhelming suppression from the Jing family! Exhausting all the abilities is just enough to make today's Dong family survive until tomorrow's more difficult time...

But even so, it was almost dusk for some things.

King's house.

Yin Xiaoxiao had a good night's sleep in a familiar room, and it was already the next day when she woke up. She didn't even know whether Jing Liyuan had come back, so she quickly got up and went downstairs to see Yu Jiahui and Li Meng were making dinner.

"Mom." Called Yin Xiaoxiao and started looking for something to eat. She was so hungry that she hadn't eaten for a long time.

The quail eggs that had been prepared a long time ago immediately caught her eyes, and she went out to eat them by herself!

Seeing Yin Xiaoxiao's appearance, Li Meng couldn't help pursing her lips. Isn't this a bit too egg-loving?