Chapter: 314

In a word, everyone present couldn't help but keep silent.

Xiang Lin probably entered the operating room before the effect of the anesthesia was fully produced, just in time to see the doctor cut open her stomach with a scalpel...

Xiang Chen and Xiang Guoxuan were going crazy with fright, and Xiang Chen was the worst among them.

He will never forget that scene in his life!

After finally rushing into the operating room, he saw his sister lying on the hospital bed. A doctor was holding a cold scalpel and was about to remove the internal organs from her body. He could even see the organs in Xiang Lin's stomach clearly, the beating heart, the slightly undulating lungs, and the silent liver...

The impact of that picture was so powerful that Xiang Chen didn't even have time to think about it and ran towards the doctor, but didn't want to hit Xiang Lin's hospital bed. The bed was not fixed and turned on the ground, and Xiang Lin turned several times. She even moved her body slightly, causing her head to hit the large medical equipment on the side...

Fortunately, Jing Liyuan rushed over quickly with his people, and someone with a pistol in the operating room shot at them. After a period of chaos, the police finally arrived, and the group of people began to retreat...

At this moment, Xiang Lin had no sense of shame at all, her clothes were raised high and half of her body was exposed in front of everyone, with a scalpel in her hand, she seemed to be recalling how the doctor did it, trying to peel off her stomach bit by bit.

"Why? Why did you cut my stomach open?"

"Is there an elf living in my belly? I want to save the elf..."

"Hey, I really am a genius, I can actually save elves..."


Silly murmured, Xiang Lin was in the rhythm of going crazy. From her appearance, it was easy to see that she had been pushed into another operation and sutured when she came out of the operating room. At this moment, her face was pale and colorless, but she still had the energy to make a fuss...

Watching the scalpel move a little more towards her bleeding wound, Xiang Guoxuan and Xiang Chen shouted in shock.



Xiang Lin looked back at them in a daze, but the knife in her hand didn't flinch at all. Suddenly, Xiang Lin retreated crazily, and the scalpel in her hand was thrown to the ground. She curled up and Xiang Lin started screaming, talking continuously.

"Don't, don't take my heart, don't destroy my body, I want to live... I don't want to die..." Xiang Lin cried and muttered incoherently.

After all, Xiang Guoxuan still couldn't hold back, and even a man of his age still shed tears.

Xiang Chen quickly stepped forward, kicked away the scalpel, stretched out his hand and hugged Xiang Lin fiercely, but the crazy Xiang Lin began to struggle desperately, slapping Xiang Chen with his hands and feet in a disorderly manner, seeing the clothes on Xiang Chen's arms were quickly stained with blood, and it was even faintly visible that Xiang Chen's face was pale and weak, but he still did not let go...

"Linlin, Linlin, don't be afraid, brother is here, brother is here, no one dares to bully you..." Xiang Chen said, his throat choked up slightly, "Linlin, brother will not let your heart be taken away, don't be afraid, don't be afraid..."

Xiang Guoxuan was standing not far away, but Xiang Lin and Xiang Chen were both in front of him, and he couldn't get over that one step distance, subconsciously, he seemed to always feel that if he didn't get over it, then this matter wouldn't be real...

"Linlin is good, brother is here, brother is here..." Xiang Chen coaxed her, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Hey, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, brother will protect you..."

The moment he saw Xiang Lin in the operating room, Xiang Chen wished he could kill everyone present.

The daughter of their Xiang family, the little princess who has been loved like jewels and treasures since she was a child, unexpectedly encountered such a thing.

If it wasn't for his emotions being affected, if he didn't think it was just a trivial matter, if he didn't subconsciously feel that Xiang Lin should be taught a lesson for being too arrogant and domineering occasionally, he wouldn't be so angry that he wouldn't take a look, just one look, one look, only a few seconds, Xiang Lin wouldn't be like this...

The crazy Xiang Lin still didn't listen to Xiang Chen's words, and screamed frantically and beat Xiang Chen.

With the sedative in his hand, Jing Liyuan stepped forward without hesitation, aimed at Xiang Lin's wrist and stabbed it, and soon the noisy Xiang Lin quieted down...

Xiang Chen didn't let go of Xiang Lin, and Jing Liyuan didn't care. He just lifted Xiang Lin's clothes slightly, took a look and said immediately, "Send her to the operating room right away, the wound has to be stitched up immediately."

operating room...