Chapter: 396

"'Yan Wang', I have discussed with you about buying a heart from you before. I managed to find it last time, but in the end I was interrupted by Yan Xiaoxiao..." Mu Yanran spoke lightly, full of joy and excitement, and then said, "Before I promised to pay you ten healthy people for the last loss, I will do it, but now I want to ask 'Yan Wang' for one!"

'Yan Wang' did not speak, but made a slight sound to let her continue.

Her eyes were firm, and Mu Yanran said after a long time, "'Yan Wang', I guess there will only be two people for you tomorrow. Regarding Yan Xiaoxiao, I want to stay. At the same time, I also want to borrow someone from 'Yan Wang'. After all, you are familiar with your people. I am very relieved to let them perform the operation on me. What does 'Yan Wang' think?"

The hand holding the phone paused for a moment, and after two seconds of silence, the 'Yan Wang' said casually, "Ms. Mu, is this trying to break my rules? You were the one who promised before, and you are the one who repents now. Don't you think I'm easy to talk to?"

The words were not heavy, but it just made Mu Yanran feel extremely indifferent, because the joy of knowing that Yan Xiaoxiao's heart was suitable for her was blown away at this moment, and she said with a pale face, "'Yan Wang', you misunderstood, I didn't mean that, but you also know that I have been in touch with you for a long time. Didn't I borrow someone from you last time I wanted to have an operation? This time I still want to borrow someone from you, 'Yan Wang'. No matter what I say this time, I will not let her go! As for the person I owe you, I will make up for it, for sure!"

"Ho ho..." As soon as the voice fell, the man on the other end of the phone sneered a few times, and the laughter made Mu Yanran feel so cold, "Miss Mu, don't just think you're a customer, I don't need you. If you can't provide someone, do you think I'll take care of you? Don't take yourself too seriously! It's okay for you to smile, but when the time comes, I must see the three people I need, otherwise nothing will be discussed! Miss Mu, remember, you It�s not only those ten people who owe me, but also the money for your last operation, although it didn�t work out, it�s not my responsibility��

Mu Yanran held the phone and bit her lips tightly, unable to speak.

'Yan Wang' paused and continued, "Mu Yanran, don't underestimate me. You know that I can give you hope for life and despair for death. Don't question me, otherwise I don't mind making you one of my specimens!"

After finishing speaking, 'Yan Wang' hung up the phone straight away, leaving behind Mu Yanran who was on the other end of the phone, her face pale with fright.

That's right, how could she have forgotten that that person is the 'King of Hades'!

According to legend, he didn't even pick up his name himself, it was just a nickname for him, but what kind of a good man could a man's nickname be called 'Yan Wang' or a man who smuggled human organs like this? What kind of character could be provoked? She thought she took care of his business, and got carried away thinking that she was the eldest lady of the Mu family, but she forgot that if the 'Yan Wang' was willing, she might become a sold or smuggled organ at any time!

After all, if the heart doesn't work, there are always other organs, right?

Clutching the phone tightly, Mu Yanran gasped for breath for a long time before making the call to ask someone to quickly prepare other candidates! I just hope everything is still in time!

She is bound to win Yin Xiaoxiao's heart this time!

After leaving Jing's house, Yin Xiaoxiao didn't go back to Yin's house, but walked alone in the streets of T city.

There was a lot of traffic and people on the side of the street, but she suddenly felt that she was extremely lonely, without a home, relatives, or husband, and a mocking smile rose from the corner of her mouth. She didn't even know how she got to this point!

Walking down the street step by step, Yin Xiaoxiao wondered where he could go.

It's impossible in Haimiao City, it's impossible in Yin's family, it's even more impossible in Tao Yi's place, she is living with Dong Kai with Dong Kai's child in her arms, she won't be stupid enough to go there if she doesn't wink, not to mention there seems to be some quarrel between Tao Yi and Dong Kai now, it's not suitable for her to go...

Stopping in her tracks and sighing softly, Yin Xiaoxiao stretched out her hands and hugged herself tightly. After the river wind blowing in the early morning, she felt that her body was completely cold. Maybe she had a cold, but her breathing was a little heavy, but it was not too serious.

She bought a cup of hot cocoa and sat down on the street drinking it. Yin Xiaoxiao tried to warm her body. After drinking half of the hot cocoa, her phone rang. The moment she took out the phone, Yan Xiaoxiao was stunned. The call was from Jing Liyuan.

After being silent for a long time, seeing the familiar name flashing on the phone, Yan Xiaoxiao didn't answer it, and when the phone became quiet, he hesitated for a moment or reached out to delete the number.

Now that you're divorced, let's break it cleanly.

Fortunately, there doesn't seem to be any deeper involvement between them, so that's fine...

Soon, the phone rang again, and Yan Xiaoxiao frowned slightly but bit her lips slightly aggrieved when she saw the name, the person calling was Yin Zizhen. This chapter has been read (please click on the next chapter to continue reading!)

Taking a deep breath, Yin Xiaoxiao picked up the phone. Before he could speak, the concern on the phone was conveyed through the phone, which warmed his heart, "Xiaoxiao, where are you? Are you okay now? I'll come pick you up right away?"

Yinzi Town.

Her elder brother, the elder brother who has protected her in the palm of his hand and loved her since she was a child.

Every time she encounters something, he is the one who stands in front of her and protects herself from all ups and downs. He always appears by her side when she needs help the most, and this time is no exception.

"Brother..." With a soft call, Yin Xiaoxiao raised the corners of his mouth and smiled, and suddenly felt that his call was full of hot cocoa, which was extremely warm, "I'm on the side of the pedestrian street on Seventh Avenue, I can't walk anymore, just sit here and wait for you, okay?"

Acting softly, a little bit of moisture flashed in her black and white eyes.