Chapter: 538

Jing Liyuan came down in a hurry and walked towards Yin Xiaoxiao immediately, stretched out his arms and said softly, "Don't worry, she will be fine, Dr. Yao is very professional."

Yin Xiaoxiao's heart didn't relax a little until the moment she saw Jing Liyuan, she breathed a sigh of relief and looked anxiously in the direction of the operating room.

In fact, on the one hand, her nervousness and worry must be because she was worried about Tao Yi and the unborn child, but more because she thought of herself in the near future, will she be like this at that time? Is it even possible to accidentally give birth prematurely and bring some harm to the child? At this time, what else can she do besides pray?

Dong Kai kept staring at Jing Liyuan after he came down, and he didn't know how to describe his inner feelings after seeing his carefulness towards Yin Xiaoxiao, so he could only stand still and clenched his fists for a long time, unable to speak, totally not noticing that Jing Libo, who had always been extraordinarily loose and casual no matter what the situation was, became extraordinarily serious.

His brows were tightly furrowed, and his peachy eyes almost made a hole in the door of the operating room!

But Dong Kai didn't notice, neither did Yin Xiaoxiao, the only one who noticed was Jing Liyuan.

The roving nurse came in and out several times, and even took a lot of blood bags to go in. She looked so frightened that the people outside couldn't help holding their breath, and Yan Xiaoxiao even had a bad premonition. Jing Libo had the same reaction as her!

Jing Liyuan frowned very tightly but kept telling Yan Xiaoxiao that nothing would happen, nothing would happen...

It's just that some things don't mean that if you hope to be fine, you will be fine!

Suddenly, the door of the operating room opened, and the nurse came out with blood on her hands, looked at the people outside and shouted, "Who is the patient's family?"

Dong Kai subconsciously stepped forward and said, "I am his husband!"

In a word, Jing Libo was forced to stop abruptly in his steps, and Jing Liyuan sighed softly.

The nurse glanced at Dong Kai, and immediately asked, "The patient is in a very bad condition. The only way is to hug someone. Do you want an adult or a child?"

� Do you want an adult or a child?

What a simple word, when it came out, everyone present were dumbfounded. Tao Yi loved the child in her stomach so much, she even gave up her job because of this child, but now something like this happened? No mother can accept such an ending! Not even Yin Xiaoxiao, an outsider!

"Hurry up and make a decision, the situation is very critical." After that, the nurse immediately turned around and went into the operating room to get busy, but everyone knew that when she appeared next second, it would be time to give an answer.

Jing Libo's body trembled violently, his feet were stuck against the cold wall behind him without a firm footing, his breathing became slightly rapid, his wickedly handsome cheeks looked extraordinarily pale, and the palms hanging by his side were even more powerless, at this moment he seemed to have lost the freedom of playing with flowers...

"Tao Yi..." whispered with trembling lips, if it wasn't for Jing Liyuan hugging Yan Xiaoxiao behind her, she might have fallen to the ground at this moment, her face was even more ugly, swallowing her saliva and looking straight at Dong Kai, Yin Xiaoxiao was speechless...

say what?

keep the kids? Or should Tao Yi stay?

Her body trembled slightly, Yin Xiaoxiao felt as if she was facing such a problem at this moment, she turned around and nestled into Jing Liyuan's arms without saying a word, it was not suitable for her to speak at such a moment, to give up the children, Tao Yi would definitely blame them after she came out, can she give up Tao Yi, it is impossible for Dong Kai to bring the children up alone!

Most children without their mothers will not be very happy in life.

Dong Kai was stunned by the nurse's multiple-choice question, and he couldn't recover for a long time. When he wanted to turn around to see the reaction of the people behind him, the nurse came out again, frowning more and more tightly, and the blood on his hands became more and more vivid.

"Patient's family, have you considered it? Do you want a child or an adult?"

A cold sentence, as if it is often said at ease, but it is like a sharp knife piercing into everyone's heart! Pain like blood dripping.

Dong Kai opened his mouth for a long time without saying a word, he could only stand there and stare at the nurse.

"My lord!" Just when the nurse was about to urge him, Jing Libo suddenly said it.

Yin Xiaoxiao buried her head in Jing Liyuan's arms and didn't even dare to look back, but at this moment she was extremely glad that someone chose Tao Yi instead of the child! It's not that she doesn't love the child, but that she loves Tao Yi even more!

She didn't know what happened to her. When she recovered from the series of changes in the Yin family and the Jing family, Tao Yi was still pregnant with the child, and her most important grandmother had died in a car accident. From then on, Tao Yi's closest relatives were her and the child in her womb. She could not work for this child. She followed the doctor's orders seriously every day for the child. She even worked harder and harder to make money for the child, but in the end, the child could not be born...

Thinking of this, Yin Xiaoxiao bit her lips tightly and cried tremblingly.