It was then that he noticed that Han Yucheon�s sword was covered in blood.
�Did the Sword Saint fight as well?�
�If so?�
�Didn�t you vow to see the downfall of the Jin family? So why did you fight?�
�The Ten Thousand Man Slayer has come.�
�Ten Thousand Man Slayer? That murderer?�
Woon Seongi�s eyes widened.
The Ten Thousand Man Slayer�s notoriety was well known even in the Shaolin Temple.
Woon Seong had tried to capture him many times, but he had been so elusive that he hadn�t been able to catch him.
�Why was he at the Jin manor?�
�Do I have to tell you the reason why?�
Han Yucheon�s sarcastic remark made Woon Seong shut up. He realized that no matter how many times he asked, Han Yucheon would never answer.
Han Yucheon was known for his eccentric personality.
Even with the prestigious reputation of the Shaolin Temple, Han Yucheon saw it as beneath him. That explains his dismissive behavior even when in front of Woon Seong of the Shaolin Temple.
Above all, Han Yucheon did not trust the Shaolin.
He had confirmed that unknown individuals were involved in the death of his disciple.
As of now, he couldn�t trust anyone.
The only person he believed in, even if it�s only a little, was Pyo-wol.
�They�re called Jianghu�s North Star, yet things have come to this point.�
Han Yucheon did not hide his disdainful expression.
Woon Seong cautiously asked,
�What happened to the Ten Thousand Man Slayer?�
�We fought for about three hundred seconds, and when he felt that he was at a disadvantage, he fled.�
�He ran away?�
�Yes. He was lucky to have escaped this time, but the next time I see him, I�ll make sure to slash his throat.�
The Ten Thousand Man Slayer and Han Yucheon were equal in strength.
It was difficult to determine the outcome of the battle between the two of them.
In the end, when the Ten Thousand Man Slayer was unable to break through the barrier of Han Yucheon, he retreated.