Han Yucheon did not also bother chasing his opponent. Even though they had only been at each other�s throats for about three hundred seconds, both of them had already expended so much energy in their fights, and incurred heavy injuries.
Han Yucheon rose to his feet and said,
�Woon Seong.�
�While the Shaolin is idling around thinking of what to do, the doors of chaos have opened. Do you understand? The age of chaos has begun.�
Woon Seong looked at Han Yucheon straight in the eyes and said,
�Age of chaos� don�t you think you�re jumping to conclusions?�
�Do you really think so?�
�After all, everything ended with the victory of the Jin family.�
�This is why you monks are truly ignorant of the ways of the world. Do you really think that just because the Jin family won, the divided public sentiment will be restored? No. Those who stood on the Snow Sword Manor�s side will only harbor greater resentment after today�s defeat.�
�But we can�t just go and kill them all. What if we try to soothe the wounds of their hearts��
�Do you think they will happily accept it if we do that? They are proud warriors. They will definitely take today�s defeat to heart.�
�We�ll just have to think what to do when the time comes then.�
Han Yucheon sighed heavily in frustration at Woon Seong�s response.
He then looked at Woon Seong with a pitiful expression.
Woon Seong�s martial prowess was not much different from his own. In fact, in terms of pure martial arts skill, Woon Seong was undoubtedly much stronger than him.
The strength that the Shaolin had accumulated over a thousand years was certainly impressive, and Woon Seong had inherited the essence of his sect fully.
Having mastered twelve of the seventy-two techniques, Woon Seong�s martial power was clearly superior to that of Han Yucheon. But, aside from his martial arts prowess, Woon Seong�s perspective on the world fell far short of Han Yucheon.
This was a fatal flaw of Buddhists who lived in a walled garden, free of worldly desires and attachment.
Because they had not experienced the harsh reality and fierce competition of the world, they thought others would naturally follow their example and uphold their sense of justice.
�People must have realized it by now. How selfish the big factions that rule Jianghu are. How cunning and out of touch with reality they are. I�m sure the people have seen it clearly with their own eyes given the recent events.�
�So, that�s why they�ll act as they please?�
�I mean, their psychological barriers have been broken.�
�Still, it�s still useless. Do you think the Shaolin will just sit back and watch as chaos ensues? How about the Wudang sect? Mount Hua? And the Frenzied Warrior Clan? That�s impossible. As long as they are alive, the age of chaos will never begin.�
Woon Seong�s voice contained unwavering faith.
Han Yucheon clicked his tongue at the sight of such a man.
There was no use in arguing with someone who had such firm convictions like Woon Seong. Woon Seong would always think that his beliefs were absolutely right.
Woon Seong must be thinking that no matter what happens, they will be able to get through it with the power of the Shaolin Temple. JrNovels.com