As Do Yeonsan�s reaction was indifferent, his colleague grabbed his hand and pulled him towards his own workbench. Do Yeonsan finally let go of the hammer he was holding and went to his colleague�s workstation.
On the colleague�s workbench, there was a large mineral of unknown identity.
�What�s so fascinating about it? It�s just a rock, isn�t it?�
�It�s not an ordinary rock.�
�What�s so special about it?�
�Watch closely.�
Using a hammer and chisel, his coworker gently chipped off a small piece of the mineral. He then placed the extracted mineral fragment, which was about the size of a child�s fingernail, into a transparent container filled with water.�
As the mineral got in touch with the liquid, something amazing happened.
Suddenly, the mineral began to dissolve, emitting a cloud of smoke in turn.
In that moment, his colleague grabbed his hand and exclaimed,�
�Stay back! It�s poisonous.�
Do Yeonsan�s eyes widened in surprise.
His coworker threw a prepared rat into the transparent container and quickly closed the lid.�
The initially cloudy smoke soon turned transparent.
The truly astonishing event occurred at that moment.
The seemingly perfectly healthy rat suddenly vomited blood and died.
�What the�?�
�Is it dead?�
�What? What happened?�
�I don�t know either!�
�If you don�t know, then who would?�
Do Yeonsan asked with an incredulous look on his face, but his colleague only shrugged his shoulders and said,
�This material was probably mixed in with the iron brought in from Nanman this time. I think someone thought it was iron ore and placed it together.�
Tang Cheolsan, the owner of the Cheolsan Workshop, was an extremely ambitious man.
He wanted to establish a workshop that surpassed the old Tang clan. That�s why he imported rare minerals not only from the Central Plains but also from outside, such as the Western Region, to use in weapon-making.
Among the minerals brought from outside the Central Plains, there were some that had the ability to increase the strength of weapons.
The mineral that Do Yeonsan�s colleague was testing right now was one of those imported minerals.
�It looked different from regular iron ore, so I decided to test it by chipping off a small piece. But then I forgot and left it by the water while I attended to other tasks.�