�Well, the dog we keep in the workshop was playing around and accidentally dropped some mineral fragments into the water.�
�Dog? Do you mean Gu Deokryong�s dog?�
�Yes, Gu Deokryong�s dog.�
Gu Deokryong was one of the skilled craftsmen at the Cheolsan Workshop.
He was an arrogant man who claimed to have some skill and handled apprentices like catching mice. That�s why all the apprentices disliked him.
Perhaps because he resembled his master, Gu Deokryong�s dog also had an unpleasant temperament and caused many accidents.
Because of that, all the apprentices wanted to kill the dog. But they couldn�t dare to touch it because they were all wary and afraid of Gu Deokryong.
�When the mineral fragment fell into the water, the dog sniffed around and growled. Then smoke suddenly started rising.�
�And then?�
�Well, after the dog sniffed the smoke, it died just as quickly as that rat. So, I decided to test it.�
�Oh my god!�
�Isn�t it amazing? A mineral that becomes extremely poisonous when it comes into contact with water. I�ve never heard of such a thing before, and I�m sure no other craftsmen in this workshop knows that such a thing exists!�
His colleague exclaimed with excitement.
He was extremely thrilled due to the emergence of a new mineral he had never encountered before. But to Do Yeonsan, his colleague�s behavior seemed very dangerous.
�If we study this thing well, we might be able to discover and come up with something truly extraordinary. Just like the hidden weapons from the true Tang clan in Sichuan, we might even be able to create a legacy or vision unique to Cheolsan Workshop, and not just a fake version of the Tang clan as we have now.�
�I think it�s better to leave it alone.�
�But, why?�
�It�s dangerous. If you handle the material wrong, you might get poisoned and die even before you have a chance to create something.�
�Oh, come on! Seriously?�
Despite Do Yeonsan�s concerns, his colleague didn�t seem to pay much attention.
He had an excited expression, thinking about how he could create interesting things with this mineral.
Several ideas for items made using the mineral also came to Do Yeonsan�s mind, but he deliberately ignored them.
There was a high probability that he would get hurt if he tried to create something with such dangerous material.
It was then.
�What�s wrong with Dabok? Why is it dead?�
Gu Deokryong�s pitiful voice could be heard from outside.
Do Yeonsan told his colleague,
�Hide that thing first. If we make a mistake, we might get beaten to death by that asshole.�