An old butcher approached Pyo-wol, holding a large knife used for slaughtering cows and pigs.
�We don�t sell meat directly to customers here. We only supply to shops and inns, so don�t waste your time and go back.�
�Is this the Hao clan�s Lake Tai Branch?�
�How do you know that?�
The old butcher�s expression changed.
Young butchers gathered around him.
As they gathered, the stench of blood became even stronger.
A normal person would feel overwhelmed just by the sight of them. Most of the people who had come to this place so far had looked intimidated, so all of the butchers thought that it would be the same this time.�
Contrary to their expectations, however, Pyo-wol didn�t look intimidated at all.
The old master then quickly realized that the man in front of him was no ordinary person.
�Who are you? Not many people know that this is a branch of the Hao clan.�
�Hmm� A familiar customer has come.�
The old butcher recognized Pyo-wol�s identity at once.
As he stretched out his hand, the surrounding butchers scattered.
The old butcher stuck the knife he was holding into the ground and spoke.
�I�m Seobok, the manager of the Hao clan�s Lake Tai Branch. It�s an honor to meet the famous Master Pyo.�
�I didn�t know that the Hao clan�s Lake Tai Branch was a slaughterhouse.�
�The Hao clan was originally created by the common people to protect and fend for themselves. Although we now use a lot of other disguises, in the past, there were quite a few branches in slaughterhouses like this one. This place is one of the oldest branches of Hao clan, so we simply use this one here.�
�I didn�t know that.�
�Well,� it�s not something outsiders can know. It�s not important either. Anyway, what brings Master Pyo here?�
�There�s only one reason for finding the Hao clan branch.�
�I asked a foolish question. Anyway, I have received orders from above to assist and cooperate with you in your task. What do you want to know?�
�Cheolsan Workshop.�
�Are you talking about the workshop operated by Master Tang Cheolsan? Could you tell me the reason why you want to know?�
�Do I have to tell you the reason in order to get information?�
�No, it�s not necessarily but� this old man has been too impolite.�
Seobok�s words were clouded, but then he sighed.
He had been ordered by his superior to cooperate with Pyo-wol unconditionally.
Furthermore, it was a direct order from the chief inspector, not anyone else.